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T.O.C. compact equipment built for the rental industry

Troy and Cory Goossen have always had a love for big iron.Growing up on a farm in southern Manitoba, 兄弟俩看着父亲在家庭农场和建筑工地操作设备.
In 2009, 特洛伊和科里决定把他们对机器的热情和创业精神结合起来 T.O.C. Rental and Sales Inc., an equipment rental house in Rosenort, Man.

我们买的第一件设备是一个混凝土动力铲, then  an aerial lift because we were interested in them,” Cory recalls. “Now we have around 20 items that we rent out.”
The company has grown organically, 他们一边听着客户的询问,一边慢慢地添置设备.
科里说:“最初几年很缓慢,主要是晚上和周末. “在过去的几年里,我们投入了大量的资金和时间. 然后,我辞去了另一份工作,全职从事租赁业务.”

在最初几年,该公司主要为该地区的当地承包商提供服务. But as T.O.C. Rental and Sales grew, so did their customer base.
“我们几乎是在承包商和房主之间各占一半,他们自己做项目——浇筑混凝土垫, 在他们的房子周围建一个平台或用一个滑板来做一点景观美化,” Cory says. “In the beginning, it was more contractors, but we live in a farming community, 因此,许多农民需要像空中升降机这样的设备来搬运他们的谷仓和垃圾箱.”
同时寻找新的经销商合作购买一些紧凑型设备, a client of T.O.C. Rentals and Sales recommended they speak with SMS Equipment.
我们对过去合作过的一些经销商并不完全满意, 我们对看到的一些设备价格并不满意,” Cory says. “They shared some of their same past struggles with us, and I knew they were happy with SMS Equipment. 我想买一个新的防滑转向,我看到他们卖竹内紧凑型履带装载机.”
科里打电话给全国最大的彩票平台公司询问竹内紧凑型设备的情况, 一位销售代表很快向他展示了一台TL8紧凑型履带式装载机.
“The machine was priced right, and SMS Equipment was good to deal with,” Cory says, 他补充说,他最终购买了两台TL8紧凑型履带式装载机,以及各种附件,包括一个光滑边缘的铲斗, pallet forks, a post hole auger and a breaker hammer. “It’s been an excellent experience for us.”
Built Tough

Built Tough

A key consideration in selecting the Takeuchi TL8 compact track loaders 他们是否有能力经受住租赁行业的严酷考验. 科里说,缺乏经验的操作员和租用设备的人的结合更难,因为他们没有自己的设备, can put a great deal of strain on the equipment.
“One of the things we look at is durability比如,机器将如何与租赁行业抗衡,”科里说. “如果它能对抗一家租赁公司,它就能对抗任何人.”
T.O.C. 租赁和销售部门还想要一种紧凑型履带式装载机,不配备太多的“铃铛和口哨”,使新操作员更容易学习.
Ease of operation is another key consideration for us. Is it easy for the customers to get in and get going?” Cory says. “我们希望从一把钥匙开始,并拥有所需的所有基本功能 get the job done right.”
The other reason T.O.C. 租赁和销售依靠耐用的设备与基本功能,以确保他们得到 a strong R.O.I. for their fleet.
“我们不想要大量额外的小东西,这些小东西可能会发生故障或故障. 拥有成本和维修难易程度是关键。. “我们需要知道它将如何为我们现有的设备带来价值. The TL8s fit exactly this. 他们有一个乙烯基座椅,比布座更坚固, 它们是为了更耐用和更准确地完成工作而设计的.”
他说:“我们有两个客户把tl8租出去,然后从SMS设备公司购买。. “That says something about these machines.”

Reliable Fleet Management System

To help keep track of their Takeuchi equipment, T.O.C. Rental and Sales has started utilizing Takeuchi Fleet Management (T.F.M.) software.
“We really like it,” Cory says. “作为一家设备租赁公司,你不可能了解与你打交道的每一个人. 这可以让您安心地知道设备的位置. If someone ends up stealing our equipment off a jobsite, we can see where it is for recovery purposes.”
Cory also appreciates the potential advantages T.F.M. offers as a preventative maintenance tool.
“We can use it to check engine hours or, if we forget to get the engine hours when it comes in, we can log on and utilize it. 我们用它来检查小时数和燃油水平,”科里说. “SMS Equipment can also use T.F.M. 查看机器的历史记录以帮助进行潜在的诊断.”
在曼尼托巴省寒冷的冬季里, having remote monitoring tools are especially handy.
“我们无需出门就能查看一台机器的发动机小时数, which is a bonus,” Cory says.

Service Excellence

T.O.C. 租赁公司也喜欢与SMS设备合作,因为他们得到了一流的服务.
“SMS Equipment是我们打过交道的最好的经销商之一,如果机器出现故障,他们会提供维修服务. Their service department is excellent. 如果零件部没有库存,他们会立即订购. They’re just easy to deal with,” Cory says.
T.O.C. 租售部也很喜欢他们的轻型建筑销售代表, Ian Webster, 红印章认证的重型设备技术员是否有8年的SMS设备服务技术员经验.
“当科里为他的一台机器买了一些冬季履带时,我帮他做了一些工作. Since he’d never put them on before, we spent a morning together changing them over, 这样他和他的一个雇员就可以稍后再解决这些问题,” Webster says. “I really enjoy working with Cory and his whole team at T.O.C. They’re just great people to deal with.”
While T.O.C. rent and Sales没有任何积极的扩张计划, they intend to grow where it makes sense.

“We grow where there’s opportunity to grow,” Cory says. “如果我们看到某个设备有机会,我们就会接到很多电话, then we look at adding that to our fleet. It’s how we’ve grown most of the time.”
Explore the Takeuchi TL8 Compact Track Loader
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Explore the Takeuchi TL8 Compact Track Loader


Tier 4 Final


74.30 HP @2,600 rpm (55.40 kW @2,600 rpm)


8631 lb (3915 kg)


14 cu ft. (0.40 m3)

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